Up until the day you realize that you need to buy some form of protection for your identity, you do not take actions to, well, protect your identity. Whether it is your bank card number(s), your social security card number, or some other kind of self-identifying number, you have a reason and a right to protect your identity and your information about your identify. Thankfully, our Durham locksmiths specialize in locksmithing products and services like the sale and installment of safes for both residential and commercial and corporate customers. Not sure that your identity is worth stealing? Let our locksmith agents at A1 Lock and Safe tell you, it is.


Identify theft remains a leading problem nowadays. Though technology is changing, and attempting to improve, there are still malware and thieves who know just what kind of information to look for. Just today, Apple had to shut down a malware that could encrypt the data of their Mac computers so that hackers could stop demanding payment from people. Identity theft can be your Child ID, your Tax ID, your Medical ID, your Senior ID, or your Social ID, which are all examples of information and paperwork that you could file safely away in your lock or safe.


What else can you do to prevent identity theft? Besides investing in a safe from A1 Lock & Safe, our Durham locksmiths want you to know that you can:


  • Protect your social security number

  • Don’t respond to people who request your personal information

  • Watch your back when typing passwords on computers and ATMs

  • Collect mail right away

  • Pay attention to your bills

  • Shred receipts, credit offers, account statements, and expired cards

  • Store personal identifying information in a safe place at home and at work


Need another reason to buy a safe?


A1 Lock & Safe has you covered. Buy Your Safe Today.